Lavender in Winter

The soft petals,

their fragrances uplifting our souls,

their gentle colours, soft and warm

in the rays that summer brings,

their buds that sing of hope in the spring, wait, in the icy air of cold

climates, climates that keep some of us hiding in our homes, while others

are beaten

by the backhand of winter,

left to stand alone,

waiting for the shelter of spring,

waiting for the peace that Lavender brings, to be birthed.

The buds of Lavender

fight for the freedom to survive

a season of dreams waiting to thrive,

like those of us forced to stand alone to fight the cold,

waiting for a place to call home.

Their growing flowers

wait to glow underneath the bright rays

of a spring sun, a sun which glides into the glory of summer.

Yet, for now, the delay of winter holds back the small petals

as they fight for their right to live,

as they fight for their right to give.

At long last, the spring arrives

and with it the peace of warmth.

Soft purple buds once hidden in the cold of winter

start to blossom and glimmer.

We come out of our hiding places, called out by the

shine of the bright yellow light. Our faces glow with gladness.

The sun is a cloak of comfort.

It’s here that the gentle petals

of Lavender thrive.

It’s here

that the soft shades of their purple colours

and their smells that calm us

remind us of what’s true.

They remind us that day will

come from night,

we are sheltered by the light,

the doorstep of a locked store

becomes a home’s open door,

the future is bright.